About Alexa

Alexa was born in Colombia and migrated to the United States. She is happily married, has a teenage daughter, and 4 rescue dogs.

Alexa is passionate about helping other women rise up and live their purpose out without fear because God has called them to live it out. She loves telling her God stories because she knows that there is hope when we hear how He works in our lives.

From an early age, she had a passion to help other people. But it wasn't until 2012 that she met Jesus. Since then, she has been a youth minister, leader of a couple's ministry, leader of a women's ministry, part of a worship team, and a guest speaker in different women's events and ministries such as the Divorced but not Devalued group, IF: Equipped, FTGI (For the Girls International), Propel Women, Single but Not Alone Facebook group, Latinas Rompiendo Barreras Virtual Summit, the Beautiful Conference 2021, and the Brave Girls Gather podcast.

She loves spending time with her family, having tea with friends, and reading amazing books such as "Your Beautiful Purpose" from Susie Larson, "Just Rise Up" from Sarah Francis, and "Jesus Entrepreneur" from Laurie Beth Jones. These books, along with her Bible have helped her have hope and keep her eyes fixed on Jesus during the most difficult times.

Her favorite things are jamming to upbeat worship music, rescuing puppies, and she loves everything that has to do with hearts. It reminds her of the love God has for us, the love we need to spread around the world, and the courage God asks us to have in John 16:33 when He tells us to take heart because He has already overcome the world.